Celebration of the Confucius Institute Day in 2016 successfully held at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

[Source]    Confucius Institute at University of Cape Coast [Time]    2016-11-08 18:04:35 

At 2:00pm, on September 30th, the 2016 Confucius Institute Day celebration at University of Cape Coast was successfully held as scheduled at the UCC Conference Room of the Institute of Education.

Ghanaian director of the UCC Confucius Institute did the opening speech. The Chinese director, Prof. Hu Liangcai did a special lecture about the Confucius Institute Day celebration activities, detailedly introducing the name source, development history, mission, service, scholarship, HSK examination, Chinese Bridge Competition about the Confucius Institute, which has given a new understanding about the Confucius Institute for all the attendees including UCC¡¡officials, lectures and students.

More than 200 UCC teachers and students came to listen to the lecture, the entire conference room packed, even outside the corridor were packed with students.

Confucius Institute Day

In conjunction with the lectures, we also designed a questionnaire on Chinese language learning activities and Chinese cultural activities, which were distributed to teachers and students on the spot.

Students were interested in HSK , study in China, Confucius Institute Scholarship with a series of questions at the conference. A lot of students coming late who didn¡¯t get the questionnaire form (prepared only two hundreds) expressed their regret.

The Confucius Institute of University of Cape Coast is newly built this year. Currently, there are only two people from China at the Confucius Institute: the Chinese Director and one lecturer arrived at the University on the 20th of September. We don¡¯t have enough time ( less than two weeks since our arrival) to prepare the celebration activity. Because of the unremitting efforts of the directors, with the help of different people from UCC, the celebration was finally held successfully, which left a very deep impression to the whole university teachers and students.

The event is not only a gift to the global Confucius Institute Day£¬but also a promotional activity and publicity for Chinese language and culture since the Confucius Institute is newly built as the second one in Ghana, which has kicked off the future Chinese language teaching and culture promotion at the university of Cape Coast and in Ghana.

Zeng weijun